Friday, January 13, 2012

Newspaper Article

King Duncan is Dead
After the victorious battle led by Macbeth, the King planned to reward Macbeth with the title of Thane of Cawdor. In celebration of this new title, King Duncan pays a royal visit to Macbeth’s castle. Upon arrival the King was greeted by Lady Macbeth and the servants as Macbeth had yet to arrive at the castle.

When everyone had arrived at the castle, fun and merriment were enjoyed by everyone until the wee hours of the morning. At dawn, everyone was in disbelief that the King was brutally murdered sometime during the night. Upon the discovery of their father’s death, Donalbain and Malcolm fled the country leaving many questions unanswered. A blood trail led investigators to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s quarters. When questions were asked about their whereabouts in the wee hours of the morning, they couldn’t explain their whereabouts or why the blood was outside their sleeping chamber.

People in the Kingdom want justice for their King. They feel the sons should be brought home to answer questions and for Malcolm to serve as their King as Duncan had already appointed him to be. As for Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, the people thought they should be charged with the King’s death and made to stand trial.

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